Upgrading your iCloud storage

Blue cloud next to text that reads "iCloud"

by Joe Lonergan

If you are an iPhone user you will probably have an iCloud account, this automatically gives you 5 gigabytes of storage for your photos, videos, files and more. But if you have your phone for a while and you like to take photos and videos or download numerous apps and games you will quickly find all those apps and memories will easily fill up 5 GB of storage.

Apple have three different storage plans available:

  1. 50GB for 99c per month
  2. 200GB for €2.99 per month
  3. 2 TB for €9.99 per month

The storage plan you go for will depend on the type of user you are. When you are signing up Apple will let you know if it makes sense for you to bundle your storage plan with your other subscriptions, this is called Apple one. Bundling as part of Apple one can save you money. Also, if you sign up to one of the bigger plans you can share your storage plan with up to five family members.

To upgrade iCloud Storage from the free 5GB plan to the 50GB plan or above which starts at 99c per month, follow the below steps on your iPhone:

  1. Open the Settings App.
  2. Navigate to “Your Name” Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases Button, and double tap
  3. Navigate down until you hear iCloud 5GB Button and double tap
  4. Navigate down to Manage Account Storage button and double tap
  5. Navigate down to Manage Storage Plan button and double tap
  6. iCloud+ now opens
  7. Navigate down to Upgrade to iCloud+ button and double tap
  8. Navigate down to the Subscribe button and double tap
  9. You will now be asked to use your Touch ID, Face ID or Apple ID password to verify purchase, you will hear a little confirmation beep when the transaction is complete