Top 5 Things to Do on Your Smart Speaker

Person about to touch a smart speaker on their desk

by JP Corcoran

Smart speakers are just about everywhere these days. These compact yet powerful gadgets have the ability to transform our homes into intelligent hubs of information and entertainment. Whether it’s Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, or another platform, here are our top five things to do on your smart speaker that showcase the true potential of this remarkable innovation.

1. Set Timers, Reminders, and Create Shopping Lists

Smart speakers have become indispensable tools for organisation. With voice commands, setting timers for cooking or work is effortless. Reminders for tasks and events are easily scheduled, ensuring you never miss a beat. Plus, managing shopping lists through voice commands simplifies errands. Smart speakers have truly streamlined our daily lives.

2. Musical Maestro

One of the most popular uses of smart speakers is listening to radio and music. Simply say Alexa, Hey Google, or Hey Siri followed and ask it to play your favourite radio station. Thanks to integration with various streaming services such as Spotify, you can simply use voice commands to play your favorite songs, artists, or playlists. You can adjust the volume, skip tracks, and even create multi-room audio setups for a seamless listening experience throughout your home. With voice-controlled music, you’ll never need to reach for your phone or remote again.

3. Culinary Guide

Smart speakers are a game-changer in the kitchen. Whether you’re an aspiring chef or a culinary novice, these devices can provide you with hands-free recipe assistance. You can ask for recipe recommendations, cooking instructions, and even measurement conversions. They work great for setting timers too. Even better, you can have multiple timers running simultaneously and give each one a name. Just say something like, “Alexa, start a pizza timer for 10 minutes.”

4. News and Information Hub

Staying informed about the world around you has never been easier. Smart speakers offer quick access to news updates and information on a wide range of topics. You can say something like, “Alexa, tell me the news”. You can customise your news sources and receive daily briefings, making it a convenient way to catch up on current events during your morning routine. Plus, if you have a curious mind, you can ask your smart speaker to provide information on various subjects, effectively turning it into a voice-activated encyclopedia.

5. Home Automation and Control

The true magic of a smart speaker becomes evident when you connect it to other smart devices in your home. Using your voice, you can control smart lights, plugs, thermostats, locks, cameras, and more. This level of home automation offers both convenience and enhanced security. Imagine being able to turn off all your lights with a simple command as you’re leaving or adjusting the thermostat without getting up from the couch.

Don’t forget the myNCBI SmartHub

The myNCBI Smart Hub is a voice assistant AI-based skill that’s available on Alexa-enabled devices. Launched in May 2022, it allows service users and their families access to the latest information about sight loss, audiobooks, podcasts, newspapers, magazines, and much more through simple voice commands on a user’s smart speaker. It also allows users to request a referral or a call back from an NCBI staff member. To start simply say “Alexa launch myNCBI” to open the Skill. You can link the Skill to your myNCBI account to benefit from the full range of features available. For more information call us on 1800 911 110  or email [email protected].

In conclusion, smart speakers are more than just a novel piece of tech; they are transformative tools that bring ease and efficiency to various aspects of our lives. From organising your schedule to providing endless entertainment, assisting in the kitchen, keeping you informed, and managing your smart home, the possibilities are vast.