NCBI Gender Pay Gap Report


Gender Pay Gap

Report Findings Overview


NCBI are committed to ensuring gender equality and have taken a proactive approach to reviewing the current status of our organisation so that we may take meaningful action for meaningful change in 2023.

We have engaged the services of Mazars to assist us in this analysis and the findings are outlined below:

  • The mean and median gap in hourly pay between men and women;

The mean gap in hourly pay between men and women is  12.08%

The median gap in hourly pay between men and women is 25.62%

  • The mean and median gap in bonus pay between men and women;

The mean gap in bonus pay between men and women is 14.93%

The median gap in bonus pay between men and women is 0.00%

  • The mean and median gap in hourly pay of part-time male and female employees;

The mean gap in hourly pay of part time male and female employees is 16.07%

The median gap in hourly pay of part time male and female employees is 34.78%

  • The mean and median gap in hourly pay of temporary male and female employees;

The mean gap in hourly pay of temporary male and female employees is 2.96%

The median gap in hurly pay of temporary make and female employees is 10.38%

  • The percentage of men and of women who received bonus pay;

25.56% of female employees received a bonus

7.32% of male employees received a bonus

  • The percentage of men and of women who received benefits in kind; and

0.00% of males and 0.00% of females received BIK

  • The percentage of males and females when divided into four quartiles ordered from lowest to highest pay
Income Quartile Female Male
Upper Income Quartile 69.32% 30.68%
Mid Upper Income Quartile 73.86% 26.14%
Mid Lower Income Quartile 86.36% 13.64%
Lower Income Quartile 77.27% 22.73%

Please note that a comprehensive report will be compiled and published in early 2023 to provide more context around the above findings due to the complexity of the organisation and the different entities within.