How to Pair two Amazon Echo Dots for Stereo Sound

4 Echo smart speakers of various sizes

At this stage you might find you have more than one Echo Dot device in your house. Did you know you can pair these together and give yourself a great stereo sound experience?

A few things to note, this does not work with 1st or 2nd generation devices but will work with subsequent models. You also can not mix and match models for example you cannot match a Dot with an Echo Plus. It has to be two Dots or two Echo Pluses and so on. Also, stereo sound will not work with all media services, but it will work with the most popular services like Amazon Music, Spotify, and TuneIn Radio.

First make sure your Echo Dots are setup and ready to use. Place the Echo Dots in the positions where you will be using them, ideally at least a few feet apart.

Open the Alexa app on your phone and tap Devices. Tap the + icon in the upper right corner, this is announced to VoiceOver users as add a device or group.

Tap Combine speakers. Tap Stereo pair/subwoofer. Tap each Echo Dot, i.e., Echo Dot 1 and Echo Dot 2. Tap Next then verify the speaker positioning is correct by tapping each speaker, then tap Next.

If the speakers are reversed, tap Swap Speakers to make sure the left channel is on your left and the right channel is on your right.

Choose the name you want to use for your stereo Echo Dot pair. Select the name that best fits where you will use the speakers such as Living room or Sitting room. You can change this name later if there are no appropriate options. Tap Save.

When you see a message like Living room was created, your Echo Dot pair is ready to use. Now you can enjoy some great stereo sound from two small Echo Dot smart speakers.

Note multi-room and home cinema are also created in the devices section of the Alexa app and the procedure is very similar.