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Advocacy Talks: Overcoming Employment Challenges with Claire Shorten

Advocacy Talks Overcoming Employment Challenges with Claire Shorten
Entry Fee: Free
Virtual Online
June 6
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Madeleine McNamara

*You can only RSVP for 5 attendees, please contact the organiser for more information

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Claire Shorten is a qualified geography and history secondary school teacher, completing her Professional Masters in Education at Maynooth University in 2019. She was the first fully blind person to study geography at Maynooth University, and passed with flying colours! Her hopes were high when applying for teaching positions post the university but after four years with only one interview after dozens of applications, her hopes were diminishing. So finally, Claire decided to take her career into her own hands and set up her own business providing geography revision courses, tutorials, and workshops live online at www.geographyteacher.ie